
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members

“The Largest Not-For-Profit National Trade Association Of Repossession Specialists Since 1936”

Allied Finance Adjusters has the Solution!


Many of you may already be aware of the notice of intent to cancel every trade association’s current $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 insurance policies by the carrier, Travelers Insurance Company.  This stems from a six month long investigation by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regarding the crime policies the associations in the industry have been providing to its members.  

It has taken hard work and diligence to acquire our new insurance broker Brunswick Companies, we have been able to secure new policy options for our members. This program was put together specifically for Allied Finance Adjusters and is underwritten by oldest insurance company in the United States, The Hanover Insurance Group.Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members

It has taken hard work and diligence to acquire our new insurance broker Brunswick Companies, we have been able to secure new policy options for our members. This program was put together specifically for Allied Finance Adjusters and is underwritten by oldest insurance company in the United States, The Hanover Insurance Group. With their guidance and experience we are confident that this program is compliant with the needs of our members and clients in all 50 states including our members in Puerto Rico. I have reached out to many of our clients and determined that the new policy will meet their requirements. The clients were very pleased that we were able to resolve and secure a solution to this industry wide situation for Allied members.

Allied has and will always stand behind its members so they are confident in the benefits of belonging to our great association.  We continue to provide our members with the best education and training seminars two times per year, first at our Annual Convention and again at our Midyear meeting. At this year’s annual convention in San Diego, California June 21st – 23rd we will be discussing our solution to this issue as well as CFPB compliance training and much more.

We are thankful for the opportunity and support by both the Brunswick Companies and The Hanover Insurance Group. We are confident they will provide our members and their clients with excellent service.  We look forward to a long-lasting business relationship. Moreover, we sincerely appreciate having the support by both companies to stand behind their product and their clients.

I wish to thank Brunswick Companies and The Hanover Insurance Group for their dedication, time and the creation of policies specifically designed for the professional members of Allied Finance Adjusters

James Osselburn, President  Allied Finance Adjusters Conference, Inc.


ABOUT ALLIED FINANCE ADJUSTERS CONFERENCE, INC. –  Allied Finance Adjusters (AFA) is the largest, not-for-profit, national trade association of certified, insured and CFPB compliant recovery professionals. AFA has led the industry as the first trade association to offer its members CFPB Training & ongoing continuing education. AFA Members are the most professional in the industry at locating and repossessing collateral on behalf of all lending institutions including, banks, credit unions, financial institutions, rental & leasing companies, buy here pay here, auto, truck and equipment dealerships. All new AFA Members must pass rigorous physical office inspections and background checks. AFA does not support Phantom or Ghost offices period. All AFA members are independent professional business operators and are covered by the AFA $1,000,000 Fidelity Coverage Policy. For more information please contact our home office (800) 843-1232.  “Professionals Hire Professionals”

Allied Finance Adjusters Conference (800) 843-1232 Fax (888) 949-8520 

Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members – Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members – Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members

Allied Finance Adjusters Secures New Insurance Options for its Members – RepossessRepossessionRepossession AgencyRepossessor – Allied Finance AdjustersAFA

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