
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Affordable Training

“I just could not afford to train my field agents”, “I have a lot of employees and the cost of training each employee was prohibitive”, “The industry training programs are too expensive for a small recovery agency”, “I did not know that field agent training programs were available”.

These are the excuses heard from repossession agency owners, managers and field agents during the cases I have consulted on as an expert witness. Many of these cases were related to a “Breach of Peace” violation and several involved consumer injuries and even death.

Today these excuses will no longer hold up in court as besides the numerous excellent training programs available through various sources such as RSIG, CARS and RISC there is the EAGLE GROUP XX Field Agent Compliance Training (FACT) designed specifically for the agents in the field and the Support Employee Compliance Training (SECT) designed for office and lot personnel available to anyone in the industry at no charge.

One of the primary goals of EAGLE GROUP XX was to advance their compliance training far beyond that of any other organization in the recovery industry and become recognized as innovative leaders, building on knowledge and full statutory compliance. This lofty ambition was demonstrated by their motto “DIA MATHESEOS DYNAMIS”, translated as “Through Knowledge Power”

The EAGLE GROUP XX FACT and SECT training was developed based on individual member input and through the combined effort of all members an innovative training and credentialing program was developed which covered all aspects of not only compliance but also general recovery procedures to avoid Breach of Peace violations. The programs are provided at absolutely NO COST to the agency or individual field agent. Should the employee desire to obtain the EAGLE GROUP XX Credential CFA (Credentialed Field Agent) or CSE (Credentialed Support Employee) it may be earned by making a satisfactory grade on a 100-question test and maintained by a required 8 hours of annual continued education which is included with the training program. The cost for the credentialing program and 4 quarterly continuing education programs annually is only $49.00 per year. Designed to be affordable for anyone in the recovery industry.

The EAGLE GROUP XX TRAINING PROGRAMS are constantly updated and managed by a recognized industry knowledgeable facilitator, Ron Brown, a credentialed Credit &Collection Compliance Officer (CCCO) through ACA International.  The members of the group constantly work to establish educational and service benchmarks while developing the continuing education programs.

It is through this unprecedented collaborative effort by the 20 members of EAGLE GROUP XX that their standardized training programs are recognized by most major lenders, Time Finance Adjusters, the American Recovery Association, NCUA, CUNA and State Asset Recovery Agency Associations.

The Eagle Group XX has their own web presence at Should any member of the asset recovery industry desire to receive the training material at NO COST or OBLIGATION contact Ron Brown at or by telephone at the EAGLE GROUP XX 24/7 toll free telephone number, 800-411-1844.

The EAGLE GROUP XX Creed is,

“Anything, Anytime, Anyplace… Professionally


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