
Where the repossession industry gets its news

Woman Charged with Stealing Repo Back from Used Car Dealer

Ashinik “I ain’t stole no car” Johnson – A double negative. Draw your own conclusions

Memphis, TN 21 March 2019 – A Memphis woman is accused of stealing her repossessed car back from a South Memphis car lot, but now she wants to clear her name.

Ashinik Johnson is facing theft charges after Joe Cooper Auto Sales employees said she walked onto their lot and drove off the property in the car they took away from her for nonpayment.

“I ain’t stole no car, that’s the thing,” Johnson said. “I’m not a criminal. I have grand kids.”

Johnson said it’s all a lie, and accusations of stealing the car are bogus.

“I went up there to get my things out the car,” Johnson said. “The lady wouldn’t let me get my things out the car.”

She said she was paying more than $500 per month for the 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix.

“I had a key and everything,” she said. “I said, ‘Here goes your key. Let me get my belongings up out this car.'”

Johnson said the car had issues when she bought it. She admitted she stopped making payments.

“I let them get that car,” Johnson said.

The lot owner told WREG there’s video of Johnson taking the car off the lot in February, but they wouldn’t show us the proof.

“If they wouldn’t show you the video, what does that tell you?” Johnson said. “I want to know where the video at.”

Right now, it’s Johnson’s story against the car lot’s account of what happened. Johnson said it was never about the car, only the things of sentimental value inside it.

“I went to jail and still didn’t get my stuff out that car,” she said.

According to the affidavit, it took police a month to catch up with Johnson. The car was allegedly taken in February.


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